Tuesday, April 28, 2009

OH MY GOSH! I LOVE MY BABY!!!!!! In this picture you can see that he was just starting to get his two bottom teeth in. After that, instead of getting his two top teeth, he got his fang teeth. It's totally hilarious, when he laughs he looks like a little vampire.

Peyton loves food!

At ten months old, he still doesn't crawl. But just this last week he has started this cute pop thing with his toes and he grabs with his hands and pulls and somehow that gets him around the house.


Devon and Alicia said...

My second is 14 1/2 months and still not walking. It is funny how each of them are so different. I expected her to be walking by one because my first was. They do everything at their own pace and sometimes it can drive us crazy. He is so adorable...his eyes are beautiul!

The Waters Family said...

I love your baby too!!! Wish I could pay more attention to him on Sundays-- but I'm too busy paying attention to Carter and Hayden! LOL

I love your boys!! Each one is adorable! -- I know what cute is-- because I have cute kids myself!! LOLOL